
QA Engineering Performance Analysis: Don’t underestimate the power of the 99th percentile

If you are in the software development or software quality assurance stream, one of the most important facts for you is the performance (The performance of your application). Simply you want your application to run smoothly with an increased amount of a practical load. In order to measure the possibility, you are probably using different tools and methods in the industry. It’s true the tools will get your inputs and give you some results. But still we have a problem in analysing the data to get an idea about our systems performance. Let’s assume you decided to test your systems performance using Jmeter (Find more about Jmeter If you are not aware about it - / ). Then you’ll run some tests and get some stats about your system. If you are a newbie you’ll probably think about the Average response time and sometimes you might feel confident after seeing the results. The problem is, although you have a set of positive proof of saying the system runs sm...

Test Automation With Cucumber

Test Automation What Is Cucumber As per my understanding cucumber is a framework that is built tagetting the user acceptance testing scenarios. In other words it is forcused on making the human readable test cases as example scnarios. So anyone who is checking or creating the script can understand the scope, failed and passed scenarios and where did the fail scnarios were. Other than than cucumber + selenium will provide you few awesome reports ( this might make you automate everyting :D ) The Basic Ingredients IDEA or Eclipse Java - gradle Selenium Cucumber JUnit or TestNG How It Works ...

Test Automation With Robot Framework

Robot Framework Basics When it comes to "Test automation" there are a lot of tools and technologies to be found in the industry. For example, there are tools and frameworks like TestNG, JMeter, Katalan Studio, HP Test Suite and Robot Framework, Cucumber etc. Today I'm planning to speak about the Robot Framework, which is a python based test automation tool. What's special about this framework is the simplicity of the test script that we have to write. If you are familiar with cucumber It's somewhat similar to that. In another way, we can say scripting in robot framework is as simple as using predefined methods to form your automation script. Installation. To get your self started with the robot framework you need to have the following list of technologies with you. Python (2.7) - WxPyton - Chrome driver at your project location If want to connect to your Database then you need to have Visual C++ Redistrib...